I just returned from the first annual conference of the Dynamic Competition Initiative, which took place in Florence, Italy. It was exciting to interact with such a diverse and high-powered group of economists, legal scholars, and practitioners, including competition regulators.
Op-ed in the Globe and Mail
I recently published an op-ed piece in the Globe and Mail of Canada, arguing that history helps us understand why today’s inflation is — and isn’t — like inflationary episodes of the past.
Quoted in CNN Business
I was quoted yesterday in a CNN Business report about the electric-vehicle maker Rivian
New paper now available
My paper “Modularity, Identity, and the Constitutional Diagonal” is now available online in the journal Industrial and Corporate Change. It will be part of a special issue celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the publication of Design Rules (MIT Press, 2000) by Carliss Baldwin and Kim Clark.
Dynamic Competition and Public Policy
I was pleased to be part of a panel in Washington, DC last Thursday, April 14, on Dynamic Competition and Public Policy, organized jointly by the Regulatory Studies Center at George Washington University and the Schumpeter Project of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation.
Potential competition
I was recently invited to contribute a short piece on potential competition to Competition Policy International.
Guest blog post on antitrust
Thibault Schrepel was kind enough recently to invite me to write a guest post on his antitrust website The Network Law Review.
Congratulations to my Ph.D. Students
Congratulations to Joe Histen, who successfully defended his dissertation on Monday, August 22. His thesis is titled Three Essays on Institutions and Organizations. Joe quickly headed out to Ohio, where he has already started the semester as a new assistant professor at the College of Wooster.
Meanwhile, my former student Leshui He, now at Bates College, has recently published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. The paper, which emerged from Leshui’s dissertation, is called “Beyond Asset Ownership: Employment and Assetless Firms in the Property Rights theory of the Firm.”
WINIR Conference 2016 Boston
Proposal submission will close soon for the third annual WINIR conference, which will take place this September 2-5 at the Seaport Boston Hotel. The first two conferences — in London and then in Rio — were great events, and this year should prove equally exciting. Plenary speakers are Daron Acemoglu (MIT, economics), John L. Campbell (Dartmouth, sociology), our former UConn colleague Margaret Gilbert (UC Irvine, philosophy), Henry Hansmann (Yale, law), and Wendy Wood (USC, psychology). Submit your abstract now.
Dynamic Competition
I was recently asked by a staffer of the UK House of Lords to contribute written testimony on an inquiry into “online platforms and the EU Digital Single Market.” They wanted to hear about the concept of dynamic competition, and they gave me a set of questions, which I answered in a rather abstract way. The testimony has now been published on Parliament’s website.